Sunday, December 16, 2007

Wise Beyond His Years

This Is truly beautiful as well as worth sharing.

Wise beyond his years

This is an audio clip from a radio station in Texas that a 12 year old Nebraska boy called to share his words of wisdom about a calf dying and God's love. This is by far the best I have ever heard. J Click on the link below, 'Listen to what he had to say', then press the play button. Let me know if you can't access it, I will send you directions for another way. Out of the mouth of babes comes true wisdom:

Friday, December 14, 2007

Chirstmas Is...

Please click on the link, and enjoy.

12 Days of Christmas

Please click on the link, and enjoy.
Check out this youtube version of 12 days of Christmas from the Indiana
University a capella men's chorus.....amazing!

A Veido From You Tube

Please click on the link. Please take the time to watch. Enjoy.

See what the teenagers at One Voice have been up to recently. (Should the link not come up, Please copy, and paste.)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Until We Meet Again

God Bless Our Miltary and Their Families
Please click on the link. Should It not come up, Please copy, and paste.

Let There Be Peace On Earth,

Sunday, December 02, 2007

A Christmas Wish

I'm sharing the message below this you because It truly touched my heart.
To our Friends throughout the World with Loved Ones in the Military:
This song came to us - at Heart Productions & Publishing - December 14, 2006. I was so smitten by the essence of the message that we quickly turned it into a movie that you are welcome to send forward with your love:
(Should the link not come up, please copy and past.)